A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Embark on an epic adventure and prepare to face the 
Legends of Mythology!

Dive into a fantasy world drawing from the well of history, global mythology, legends and folklore. 

Prepare yourself for a genre-bending action-adventure experience. This game breaks genre boundaries, infusing mechanics from metroidvanias, action-RPGs, and rogue-likes, all with an emphasis on methodical combat. 

Battle mythological beings, uncover hidden treasures, unravel secrets, interact with NPCs and explore an open-ended world brimming with possibilities. Your choices and gameplay prowess will mold your odyssey, leading to diverse endings.

Catering to speedrun enthusiasts and leisurely players alike, the game features an in-game timer and an optional perma-death mode. 

Key Features

  • Replicating retro - 8-bit color depth (256 colors), upscaled low resolution (640x360) pixel art to modern resolutions, lo-fi sound and music, as an homage to the 16-bit era.
  • Rising to the challenge - Encounter a fair yet challenging experience that ramps up in difficulty as you progress. Blaze your own trail, testing your mettle and embracing challenges beyond the designated path.
  • Equip, conquer, thrive - Elevate your combat prowess through item-based action-RPG gameplay. Equip superior gear to enhance your stats, without the constraints of level requirements. The art of managing your inventory and prioritizing items becomes central to your journey.
  • High player agency - Craft your character's appearance and build through simple customization. Forge unique interactions with NPCs, whether through camaraderie, apathy, or confrontation. This is your saga to script.
  • Branching narratives - Set the course of your destiny with your actions. Decisions shapes your journey, leading you toward an ending uniquely yours.
  • Traversing dimensions - Set out on an extraordinary journey through a pseudo-3D world, shown only in 2D. Travel across a large series of handcrafted, interconnected scenes. Navigate diverging pathways using your trusty compass.
  • Empowering independence - Relinquish the hand-holding of tutorials and objective markers. Legends of Mythology empowers you to discover your path through the art of exploration. You can seek guidance from NPCs, but ultimately you are the one in control.
  • Mature realism - A world of vibrant pixel art juxtaposed against a harsh dystopian reality awaits. Brace yourself for a portrayal of a world in decline, where mature themes and visceral gore coalesce.

Disclaimer: The game is currently in development!

The current stage of development is "alpha gameplay demo". 
I am currently building out the world and expanding the game.
I am also a student and a bunch of my time goes with that.

If you want to know how far along I am, I'll direct you to my Trello board: https://trello.com/b/GqlANJ4a/legends-of-mythology

If you want to follow the development of the game more closely, feel free to join my discord or follow me on twitter. https://discord.gg/XnXzDgK https://twitter.com/swalkstudios I need your feedback to make the best version of my vision as possible!


Alpha Gameplay Demo v0.0.1 - Linux.zip 109 MB
Alpha Gameplay Demo v0.0.1 - macOS.zip 118 MB
Alpha Gameplay Demo v0.0.1 - Windows.zip 109 MB

Install instructions

1) Download the game.

2) Unpack the .zip file.

3) Run the game executable.

Development log